Little things

I’ve been on a “useful items only” kick lately, meaning I’ve been sewing things I need rather than creating things I *want* — but not anymore! Take that, practical me! first, with the practical: Ayumi over at Pink Penguin posted a tutorial for a bento box lunch bag — I just had to make one! I’ve been taking my lunch to work in a plastic grocery bag. Not so cute. I thought using the Bento Box tutorial would be the perfect chance to get back some environmentally friendly karma (ha). Anyway, here it is:

Also, I made a few coasters this weekend. I don’t have a coffee table to use them with…yet! But I thought, better to have the coasters all ready for our move next month, when we may just buy a coffee table, right? (OK, so I am waaay ahead of myself and just wanted to use bits of the adorable Far Far Away Line!):

And lastly…my “frivolous” creation for the weekend. First, though, a bit of backstory: Tripp, my boyfriend, loves video games. So much so that he initially purchased his PS3 in 2008 because he was so excited about a single game. That game was Little Big Planet.

If you are familiar at all with LBP, you know it is the Cutest Game Ever and is filled will little Knitted Sack Persons Who Like Stickers and Costumes — it’s the equivalent of a character you can play dress up with. Additionally, you can build your own levels, which other people can play. (For the record, Tripp loves the make-your-own-levels part, while I am in the Let’s-See-How-Cute-These-Already-Adorable-Sack-People-Can-Be-By-Dressing-Them-Up-and-OOOOOH-Stickers! camp.

I have been meaning to make a Sack Person for Tripp for quite a while (since 2008!) and finally found an (unofficial) pattern online. Here’s my rendition:

Awww, isn’t he cute?

What did you make this weekend?


What have I done?

I saw this on a few other blogs and it’s a good idea…kind of a list of goals and accomplishments, and you know how I love those!

Bold for stuff you’ve done, italics for stuff you plan to do one day, and normal for stuff you’re not planning on doing.

Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up

Knitting with camel yarn
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Knitting with silk
Moebius band knitting

Participating in a KAL
Drop stitch patterns
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn
Domino knitting (=modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn
Toy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Baby items
Knitting with your own handspun yarn

Graffitti knitting: knitting items on, or to be left on the street
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns
Lace patterns

Publishing a knitting book
Teaching a child to knit
Knitting to make money
Button holes
Knitting with alpaca
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Household items: dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…
knitting socks- or other small tubular items- on two circulars
Dying with plant colours
Knitting items for a wedding

Olympic knitting
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn
Knitting with dpns
Holiday related knitting
Teaching a male how to knit
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener BO
Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Entrelac Knitting and purling backwards
Machine knitting
Knitting with selfpatterning/selfstriping/variegating yarn
Stuffed toys
Knitting with cashmere

Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Freeform knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mitts/armwarmers
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine
Rug Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair
Hair accessories
Knitting in public

I’m still alive!

Moving is tiring. It’s also so expensive.

I haven’t been doing any quilting this week because I need to get to a store and buy a new iron. Until then, no crisp edges for me! It kinda stinks because I was going strong on Ezra’s quilt, and I realized I’d left my iron in Arkansas…or maybe in Abilene. Hm. Anywho, I’m hoping to get an iron tomorrow and make serious progress while Tripp’s shooting a wedding this weekend.

I have been doing some knitting, though! Check it out.


I made a hat! It’s super soft and comfy. Now I’m awaiting some Munki Munki from a swap and also a chance to buy an iron, and I’ll be back in business, complete with comfy hat! Austin’s been pretty chilly, so I’ll probably need it 🙂



Also: Giveaways!
The Sproutz Store is giving away 3 charm packs that aren’t available yet in stores!

Annette’s Acre is giving away tons of goodies for her 6th blogaversary! (All links are to different giveaways — the first is embroidery/cross stitching goodies, the second is lovely yarn, and the third is a book giveaway! Super generous of her!)

Knitting+Moving+Light Sabers=Today

OK, there won’t really be light sabers. But we are moving tomorrow, so lots of packing today. Also, I just finished knitting a little something special. But back to light sabers…

Interesting fact: Yesterday, I answered the Proust Questionnaire, along with my friends Chad & Tressie, David, and my boyfriend, Tripp. One of the “questions” (not technically a question) is “Your dream of happiness:” — to which Tripp simply answered, “Light Sabers.”

After trying to point out that perhaps “light sabers” was an incomplete answer, I realized that Tripp had basically expressed the whole and utter truth. He loves light sabers, and if he had one, he couldn’t imagine being any happier. Essentially, someday I will have to get him a fully operative light saber.

The Adia Scarf, which I knit on size 9 bamboo needles with a bamboo blend yarn in a chocolate-y brown. Sorry if the colors look off — I just took the photos under harsh indoor light and it seems my color-correction-fu is off today. The scarf (whose name is actually Scarrrr-f) is for my grandma (aka Grammy) who’s going in to have a bit of surgery later this month. The surgery is on her neck, and she told me “I need you to make me a scarf to cover up my scar!”

“Of course I’ll knit you a scarf. On one condition, though — when you wear it, you have to call it a scaaaarrrf. Emphasis on the scar,” I replied. She laughed and agreed, so here’s the scarf (which I don’t think she’s actually expecting!)



Alright, this questionnaire is pretty short and sweet, and I encourage you to post it with your answers on your blog. I love hearing other people’s answers — it’s fascinating.

The Proust Questionnaire
Your most marked characteristic?
Probably either my outspoken nature or my sense of humor.
The quality you most like in a man?
Sense of humor.
The quality you most like in a woman?
What do you most value in your friends?
Trustworthiness, honesty and sense of humor.
What is your principle defect?
I’m far too blunt.
What is your favorite occupation?
Designing anything.
What is your dream of happiness?
To someday have a family with Tripp, to be truly and fully happy, to have the means to buy whatever fabric I’d like. 🙂
What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
To lose those I love.
What would you like to be?
I’d like to be a small business owner, a Ph. D., a good mother and wife, a pianist, and a faithful and enjoyable friend. Not in that order.
In what country would you like to live?
England or Austria.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite flower?
Stargazer Lilies.
What is your favorite bird?
Cardinals and sparrows.
Who are your favorite prose writers?
Thomas Hardy, John Irving, John Steinbeck, Zadie Smith and C.S. Lewis.
Who are your favorite poets?
John Keats, George Herbert, Wilfred Owen, Seigfried Sassoon and many others.
Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
Owen Meany from John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany.
Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Although I don’t know if I’d categorize her as a heroine, I loved Tess from Tess of the D’Urbervilles.
Who are your favorite composers?
New:Ben Gibbard, Aaron Weiss, and Sigur Ros. Old: Mozart, Brahms.
Who are your favorite painters?
Seurat, Vermeer.
Who are your heroes in real life?
I don’t have heroes, but I do admire many qualities of others.
What are your favorite names?
Declan and Magda.
What is it you most dislike?
Willful ignorance.
What historical figures do you most despise?
Hitler, Goebbels, Mengele, most dictators.
What event in military history do you most admire?
The Christmas Truce of WWI
What natural gift would you most like to possess?
Musical talent.
How would you like to die?
Surrounded by loved one, at a very old age.
What is your present state of mind?
Sleepy, content.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Blunt honesty.
What is your motto?
Learn to laugh at yourself.

Till next time.
